Over the years, the Vision Group for Sidmouth has been sending representatives to the steering groups for the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) and its successor the Beach Management Plan (BMP).
The VGS sees its primary role as communicating the issues to the wider public through encouraging informed debate. When it comes to the BMP, there is increasing awareness of the concerns of the wider community, as the project will have to consider these during the planning application stage. Ultimately, the VGS is interested in process and providing maximum transparency, which means not only examining the evidence in full but aiming for an outcome which can be accepted by all parties.
In view of this, the VGS has put together a ‘framework’, which analyses the issues arising from the BMP by judging them against the project’s Aims & Objectives. This was submitted to the Advisory Group for consideration at its meeting on 25th February 2021:
BMP framework analysis – VGS – 14feb21
The conclusions have been arrived at from looking at the readily-available documentation – all of which is publicly available.
Please contact the VGS for any further clarification.