There are so many vital issues around ‘health and wellbeing’ – especially in a place where visitors have come for rest and recuperation, where many come to retire and where we can all enjoy the charms of the Sid Valley – to ensure good health and wellbeing.
The VGS blog pages have covered many if not most of these issues over the years. Here are some of the key posts as a reference point:
- Health and Wellbeing – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Help and info from Sidmouth Hospice at Home – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Public health vs personal choice – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Plans to replace the current Blackmore Health Centre – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Sid Valley Help > health and care support – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- 2013 The Future for Health in Sidmouth: report – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Caring for the elderly in coastal and rural areas – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Sidmouth is singled out as one of the towns facing the biggest increase in the elderly – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Knowle planning application: focus on (lack of) care provision – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- A cashless society, small businesses and the elderly – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Climate change between the generations – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Young people ‘struggle to envisage a future living by the sea’ – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- A solution to our housing problems: a cooperative for seniors – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- A solution to our housing problems: co-living and co-existence – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- The impacts of climate change on our health: more research – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- “Climate change is a health emergency” – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- How the environment shapes our health – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- ‘Boring urban environments cause serious stress’ – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- “Government not on track to increase rates of active travel” – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Acting locally on climate change: cycling – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Air pollution levels in Sidmouth “exceeds limits” – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- A Blue Recovery: “a healthier, cleaner, greener marine” – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Pandemics and climate change – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Eco-action to help young people improve their health and wellbeing – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Mental health support for young people in Sidmouth – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Protecting vulnerable adults – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Plants, mental health and wellbeing – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Media hype and mental health – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Sidmouth “to be the first mental health friendly town” – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Working from home: the debate continues – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Veganuary: Is it good for your health? Is it good for the planet? – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Are plant-based meat alternatives ‘real alternatives’? – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Shopping and eating locally – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- The debate around ‘ultra-processed foods’: in the Sid Valley – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- Meat tax? Sugar tax? Salt tax? – Vision Group for Sidmouth
- ‘Sugar pollution’: should the ‘producer pay’? – Vision Group for Sidmouth