The VGS strives to comply with legislation to the best of our ability and knowledge. We do not tolerate bullying of any description.
We are GDPR compliant.
We do not discriminate on the grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political or philosophical persuasion, age or ability. The only qualification to this is that we are not a group which is suitable for children and some of our activities are not suitable for certain vulnerable adults.
We do not run activities where safeguarding becomes an issue; and if any member of the VGS chooses to include a child or vulnerable adult in group of which they are a part they do so in full knowledge of the VGS statements on this website. It will be the responsibility of any such member to be responsible for any safeguarding needs, if this is not possible then the child or vulnerable adult will be asked to leave the activity.
The VGS will not be held responsible for any flouting of its rules either by a member of the VGS or by any other person.