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About the Vision Group for Sidmouth

The VGS is an organisation of three parts:

  • Groups – people aiming to achieve something within a subject area such as planning, energy etc. (eg: SidEnergy).
  • Projects – well defined practical activities with a clear timescale for achievement. These need at least some people with existing skills.
  • Initiatives – ideas or themes which the VGS can host or initiate, or where it can work with other groups. (eg: Sidmouth Plastic Warriors ) These may start completely from scratch with people developing knowledge as the initiative takes shape.

What do we do?

The Vision group is …

  • A research group
  • A focus for consultation
  • A forum for open discussion of issues, problems and competing solutions
  • A pooling of local talents for local problem-solving
  • A think tank and ginger group

We are a voluntary organisation and have no political affiliation nor permanent funding. We raise our income via donations.

In a little more detail:
a) The VGS is a network of people with different skills and interests whose only common feature is an interest in protecting Sidmouth’s character and fabric while creating improvements to the town.
b) The VGS is both active and supportive. Its activity is input on issues such as the Knowle relocation and BMP on behalf of the members of VGS. Its supportive function is providing experts to give specific help or advice to other groups.
c) The VGS does not exert control over its component parts, such as Cycling, Friends of Glen Goyle etc, but those component parts are what gives the VGS form.
d) The VGS aspires to be the first stop for anyone with a new idea they are trying to get off the ground so that people can build on what has been done before.
e) The VGS aspires to be a repository of information from previous initiatives.

 .The Mission of the Vision Group for Sidmouth is …

  • to cherish the heritage of our Regency Resort and the surrounding coast and countryside
  • to seek to improve amenities and facilities appropriate for residents and visitors in the 21st Century
  • to encourage a vibrant economy, and
  • to commend our vision to Local Planning initiatives

Sustainable Sidmouth

The Vision Group for Sidmouth is linked to the Transition Network through its Sustainable Sidmouth project.


The Vision Group works with other organisations such as …

… and other local organisations

Save Our Sidmouth

Together the Sid Vale Association, the Sidmouth Chamber of Commerce, and the Sidmouth Hospitality Association, and VGS formed  Save our Sidmouth. This group was active in campaigning for reuse of the Knowle buildings and has been mainly inactive since the Planning Inspector deemed that the planning application by Pegasus Life was appropriate. Since then there have been various proposals for the site, the original application lapsed and no consequent ones have been approved. The building was burnt out in April 2023.

VGS Constitution

Further details about VGS can be seen in our Constitution  – Revised in May 2019 – Adopted on 7th June 2019 Reworded for clarity for insurance purposes 14th Feb 2024

.View Constitution

VGS Coordination Team

The day-to-day running and decision-making for the VGS is done by the Coordination Team – as per the constitution.

The current members of the Coordination Team, from November 2024 are:
Chair ….. Currently vacant …..
Secretary Jeremy Woodward
Treasurer Roger Till
Webmaster Mary Walden-Till
Jon Ball [also chair of Sidmouth Arboretum]
Michael Brittain
Graham Cooper
Rita Hedley [also webmaster of Sidmouth Science Festival]
Roy Russell Secretary of Sidmouth Cycling Campaign
Phil Lee Lead of Friends of Glen Goyle working party
Amanda O’Caroll Contact for Cherishing Sidmouth Cemeteries