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What is the VGS currently involved in?


The VGS is often consulted about things which affect the town and asked to supply a representative to sit on panels and steering groups. VGS involvement obviously waxes and wanes in accordance with the number of large issues facing the town.

Currently we have a representative, or representatives, on the:



The VGS is also asked to show its support for various projects in the town and beyond – and after consulting with its membership (ie, those on its mailing list), the VGS has been happy to show support for the following:



The VGS has been asked to contribute evidence and research to official policy-making, including:


What has the VGS been involved with in the past?

As well as other groups which have since folded, members of the VGS have also helped with these projects:

The VGS aims to have good working relationships with all community groups in Sidmouth so if you are one of them then please get in touch:

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