The VGS is often consulted about things which affect the town and asked to supply a representative to sit on panels and steering groups. VGS involvement obviously waxes and wanes in accordance with the number of large issues facing the town.
Currently we have a representative, or representatives, on the:
- Steering Group for the Beach Management Plan
- Steering Group for the Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan
- Sid Valley Links – the campaign group for the Sidmouth-Ottery-Feniton cycle path
The VGS is also asked to show its support for various projects in the town and beyond – and after consulting with its membership (ie, those on its mailing list), the VGS has been happy to show support for the following:
- A community fridge or larder for Sidmouth from Devon County Council’s Recycle Devon
The VGS has been asked to contribute evidence and research to official policy-making, including:
- The Town Council’s Tourism and Promotion Strategy – with the STC Tourism & Economy TAFF – Vision Group submission – 24jul19 and STC ECONOMY AND TOURISM TAFF – VGS EVIDENCE – JULY 2019 – ethical and responsible tourism
- Lords’ report on Seaside regeneration – with the Vision Group report published by House of Lords committee on “Regenerating seaside towns and communities”
What has the VGS been involved with in the past?
As well as other groups which have since folded, members of the VGS have also helped with these projects:
- Friends of the Byes – Sidmouth’s most active environmental project
- The Sidmouth Arboretum Project, the country’s first civic arboretum
- Farmers’ Market and Food Festival now run by Kennaway House
- Science Festival started as a VGS project
- Cafe Scientifique started with the VGS
- Involvement with many campaigns and response to many issues such as development at Port Royal, the Knowle, Sidford Business Park
- Arranging meetings such as Hustings, an information meeting about a proposed Mutual Bank for the South West, and much more…
The VGS aims to have good working relationships with all community groups in Sidmouth so if you are one of them then please get in touch: