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Climate Science

The Vision Group – and its daughter Sustainable Sidmouth – has been taken up with climate science for many years:

Sustainable Sidmouth


It put on a showing of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” back in 2007:

Futures Forum: Climate change: “An Inconvenient Sequel”

Futures Forum: Climate Change: the film

… in partnership with the Rotary Club:

VGS Futures Forum 2015 report – Vision Group for Sidmouth


Members of the Vision Group then created the Science Festival, largely to consider the science around climate:

– and it has gone from strength to strength:

Sidmouth Science Festival


One of the founding members of the Vision Group is Prof Brian Golding, formerly of the Met Office, who wrote the Vision Group Report of 2006 – and who has organised several events these last years, including:

Our Fragile Earth > Caring for the World

As part of the Science Festival’s ‘Clean Growth’ programme, he put together a talk on how we can take things further:

Our Fragile Earth: So, What Do We Do?

He has also contributed this piece for the Vision Group website:

A history of climate change: Prof Brian Golding


At the end of 2020, we will see the UK government host COP 26 in Glasgow

COP26: Glasgow to host UN climate change summit in 2020 |


The Vision Group will be putting on a series of events during 2020 focussing on sustainability and local resilience:

“Sidmouth 2020” project launched