There are several focal points for economic activity in the Sid Valley.
Here are links from the VGS website and local media:
Manstone Workshops
There is also the main industrial estate based around the former railway station.
Here are links from the VGS website:
Alexandria Road Industrial Estate
And from the Futures Forum blog archive:
Futures Forum: Search results for alexandria
And there is the proposed new industrial estate to the north of Sidford.
Here are links from the VGS website:
And from the Futures Forum blog archive:
Futures Forum: Search results for sidford business
This site is particularly controversial – and as such, here are further links to specific issues:
Futures Forum: Sidford business park > “The Local Plan is a deeply flawed document.” (October 2018)
Comments on the further planning application of October 2021:
Business-Park-Sidford-comments.pdf (Graham Cooper, VGS)
Oct-2021-Sidford-Business-Park-Update.pdf (Cllr John Loudon)