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Industrial Estates

There are several focal points for economic activity in the Sid Valley.


Here are links from the VGS website and local media:

Sidmouth High Street

The Woolbrook shopping area

Temple Street shopping area

Manstone Workshops


There is also the main industrial estate based around the former railway station.

Here are links from the VGS website:

Alexandria Road Industrial Estate

And from the Futures Forum blog archive:

Futures Forum: Search results for alexandria


And there is the proposed new industrial estate to the north of Sidford.

Here are links from the VGS website:

Sidford Business Park

And from the Futures Forum blog archive:

Futures Forum: Search results for sidford business

This site is particularly controversial – and as such, here are further links to specific issues:

Futures Forum: Sidford business park > “The Local Plan is a deeply flawed document.” (October 2018)

Comments on the further planning application of October 2021:

Business-Park-Sidford-comments.pdf (Graham Cooper, VGS)

Oct-2021-Sidford-Business-Park-Update.pdf (Cllr John Loudon)