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A programme of tree planting for 2020 from the Arboretum

  • by JW

The Sidmouth Arboretum held its AGM last night – and this included a look at the Town Council’s Environment Plan, which involves a lot of tree planting, plus a project in Connaught Gardens presented by Carolyn Trussell:

Arboretum AGM


The Herald reports on the latest tree planting at the Bowd, with photos from the Arboretum:

First tree planting of 2020 takes place in Sidmouth


With a little report on the Arboretum’s website:

We planted a line of pollinator-friendly flowering trees: Three Crab Apples, Profusion, Royalty and Van Eseltine, Japanese Hill Cherry (Sargentii), and Mount Fuji Cherry (Shirotae), Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), and Chinese Mountain Ash (Sorbus hupehensis). Three Black Poplars to replace two medium-sized Poplars that were storm damaged and felled. We will be planting some Whitebeams here at a later date. There is a mixed hedge including Hawthorn, Beech, Hazel, Field Maple, Spindle, Guelder Rose and Dog Rose. The hedge was requested by Devon Highways as a road safety measure, it will encourage drivers heading towards Exeter to obey the slow sign as they approach the junction.