The District Council wants to provide more social housing:
“More social housing for the residents of the district to be provided.”
The council also wants to get the public involved in how it can be done.
Here’s a letter just sent out from the planning department at East Devon, which urges the public to comment on its Draft Affordable Housing proposals:
East Devon District Council are preparing a supplementary planning document (SPD) to provide guidance and advice on implementing Local Plan policies on affordable housing. Following a first round of public consultation held over March – May last year, we have reviewed the 22 comments that were received, and revised the SPD as appropriate.
We have now published a revised version of the Draft Affordable Housing SPD for public consultation. The interim Consultation Statement shows how we have responded to comments received on the first round of consultation.
The Draft Affordable Housing SPD and accompanying documents can be seen on our website:
If you would like to comment on the Draft Affordable Housing SPD and/or the accompanying documents (Environmental and Habitats screening reports, Equalities Impact Assessment), please email us at or post comments to Planning Policy, East Devon District Council, Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton, EX14 1EJ.
The consultation period runs from Tuesday 14 January until Friday 28 February (at 5pm). Following this, we will read all of the comments and make any changes that are needed, and then adopt the Affordable Housing SPD.