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Alternatives to reinforced concrete

  • by JW

Carbon concrete is four times stronger and lighter.


Concrete is not exactly environmentally-friendly:

Futures Forum: Climate change: and concrete: “the massive CO2 emitter”

There are alternatives:

Alternatives to asphalt concrete – Vision Group for Sidmouth

Alternatives to cement: “Wetland” wins Golden Lion at Venice Biennale – Vision Group for Sidmouth

The Arch Daily’s latest looks at further alternatives: 

Seen as one of the great promises for the future of construction, carbon concrete mixes strength, lightness and flexibility. In addition, at a time marked by a serious environmental crisis that puts the construction methods of the industry in check, carbon concrete emerges as an alternative that approaches the guidelines of sustainability.
In practice, it is a concrete that uses carbon meshes instead of iron elements, making it four times stronger and lighter than the usual reinforced concrete, signaling material and financial savings. Its manufacture takes place through a process of thermal decomposition (pyrolysis) in which ultrafine strands of carbon crystals are extracted and used to create a mesh where the concrete is spread before it hardens. Its advantage therefore lies in the approximately 50,000 individual fibers – much finer than a human hair – processed to form a grid structure.

What is Carbon Concrete? | ArchDaily

Just in the last couple of weeks there have been several other looks at alternatives to concrete:

19 Concrete Alternatives That Save Money & The Planet – Worst Room

Nexii: Low-carbon concrete alternative backed by Honeywell, Trane

Producers Shift to Make More Lower-Carbon Portland-Limestone Cement | Engineering News-Record

The discussion has been happening for some time:

What’s being done to clean up the concrete industry? –