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Beach Management Plan: a history of proposing a jetty

  • by JW

“A large majority of residents were in favour.”


Reimagining the seafront at Sidmouth could involve something a little more creative and actually quite useful.

This could include a jetty or pier for a regular ferry service, a lagoon created by a third offshore island, safer anchorage for passing sailing craft, and all sorts of offshore interest and activity:

Beach Management Plan: creating appealing public spaces – Vision Group for Sidmouth


The Vision Group for Sidmouth was founded in part to address the issue of ‘what to do with Port Royal’ and its 2006 Report covered several proposals:

A large majority (more than 9-to-1) of residents were in favour of a pier or jetty at Port Royal. In the commercial survey, 50% of responses felt that a jetty or quay would improve their business.

The original Vision Group report – Vision Group for Sidmouth

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: VGS and PRSG


This was largely updated in the Port Royal Steering Group’s report of 2010/12:

Investigate a jetty or reef but not a full-blown marina (see Appendix 1.2)

Install a jetty as dock for Lyme Bay water bus and other shallow draft vessels

Development Brief Cover Sheet-2

Development Brief Spring 2012-2

Appendices 1 & 2 – Spring 2012


Back in the spring of 2013, the town council applied for funding for a jetty at Port Royal – to facilitate a “waterborne transport system”, aka a ferry, along the Jurassic Coast

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: waterborne transport and a jetty

However, the application didn’t work out:

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: “Let’s hope the new year brings forward a solution to the eastern town.”


Then in late 2015, an architecture competition was launched to look afresh at Port Royal and its shoreline:

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: complete the online questionnaire

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> “We will get it right.”

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> architecture competition underway to re-imagine Port Royal


And the winner was… a jetty:

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> architecture competition to re-imagine Port Royal >>> winning design chosen

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> architecture competition to re-imagine Port Royal >>> winning design chosen >>> Architects’ Journal report


Then there was the controversial Port Royal Scoping Study in 2015/16:


Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: presenting the evidence


There were proposals in 2017 to spend developers’ funds on… a jetty/pier

Futures Forum: Community Infrastructure Levy projects considered at Town Council > reports


And there was the putting together of the Neighbourhood Plan:

A skate park and water park featured repeatedly, as did a pier or jetty, and they said any development of Port Royal should consider the needs of teenagers and young adults for social engagement, and sports and leisure facilities.

Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan: survey for the Valley’s youth >>> calling for more wide-ranging jobs and facilities for young people

Sid Valley Consultation
The special identity of the area as a place which connects the sea and the natural environment gives rise to the overwhelming support 92% of respondents give to the area as a focus for sea based activities and in promoting the fishing heritage (89%) of the town. This view is further emphasised by the 82% support for a pier or jetty. (Second Residents Survey: Executive Summary Page 9)



All of which is connected:

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >>> a summary of the issues

Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > Vision Group report 2012

Futures Forum: The Neighbourhood Plan connected to > The Port Royal scoping report connected to > The Beach Management Plan connected to > The Re-imagining Port Royal architecture competition >>> “We should look at everything that’s currently on the table and try to do some joined up thinking!”