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Beach Management Plan: and the general election campaign

  • by JW

The proposed flood defences on the seafront – which the local stakeholders are not at all happy with – will be very expensive:

Beach Management Plan: the costs of over-engineering


Thankfully, the Prime Minister was in town, so could promise to plug any funding gaps:

Boris Johnson vows to help fund Sidmouth beach plan | Devon Live

Boris Johnson tells Sidmouth ‘we will help you’ with Beach Management Plan shortfall | Sidmouth Nub News


It’s interesting that the Prime Minister chose to talk about flood defences at Dart’s Farm in East Devon yesterday, rather than attend Channel Four’s debate on climate change:

General election 2019: Row over Boris Johnson debate ’empty chair’ | Channel Four


Photograph produced with permission: taken back in August 2016 by Simon Vacher, a Sidmouth-based wildlife, adventure and documentary cameraman:

A bird’s-eye view of Sidmouth