Presenting a framework for analysing the Sidmouth Beach Management Plan’s Aims & Objectives
The next meeting of the BMP Advisory Group on 25th February will be open the public
It was suggested by a member of the BMP’s steering group that the VGS put together a ‘framework’ to look at the project’s so-called ‘Preferred Option’ (pictured) – which entails a large groyne (aka a Supergroyne, on East Beach beyond Pennington Point), together with recharging both Main and East Beaches, plus raising the Sea Wall.
This suggestion was taken up primarily because so much is still unclear about what justification and what evidence there is for the project – all against the background of years of confusion if not dismay from both members of the BMP steering group and the wider public about the project.
The suggestion, then, was that, by looking specifically at the project’s Aims & Objectives, it could be determined whether or not the Preferred Option was ‘justifiable’ and ‘sustainable’, and whether it was ‘integrated’ with all the other aspects of the project.
And by analysing these aspects, specific problems and alternatives could be looked at, together with supporting evidence and sources – all in the light of the Aims & Objectives.
They are as follows:
1) Maintain the 1990’s Sidmouth Coastal Defence Scheme Standard of Service
2) Reduce the rate of beach and cliff erosion to the east of the River Sid (East Beach)
3) Carry out (1) and (2) in an integrated, justifiable and sustainable way.
They can be found on the pages dedicated to the BMP:
Project Aims and Objectives – East Devon
The final VGS document analysing this has been forwarded to the BMP’s Advisory Group (formerly known as the Steering Group):
BMP framework analysis – VGS – 14feb21
And can also be found here:
A framework for the BMP – Vision Group for Sidmouth
A version with an introduction has been put together for the wider public:
BMP framework analysis – VGS – public version – 14feb21
The document is divided into sections – which:
- look at arguments for and against the different options;
- challenge the existing costings;
- recommend revisiting previous options wrongly discounted on various grounds; and
- examine alternative solutions
The hope is that, once readers have completed the document and review of supporting links, they feel a little better informed about:
- the extended history of the BMP and the current sorry state of inaction;
- the context of our local coastline as a heritage site and a living community;
- the rationale for a re-examination of the costings of the options put forward;
- the rationale for the investigation of new technologies not included in the Options.
Finally, the BMP Advisory Group will be meeting up on Thursday 25th February as of 9.30am – and will be open to the public.
Members of the public will be able to view the meeting live on the EDDC’s YouTube channel: