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About the Vision Group for Sidmouth
Background and history
What is the VGS currently involved in?
Insurance policy
Minutes of VGS meetings
VGS Newsletters
VGS pieces in the press
Subjects library
VGS Projects
Friends of Glen Goyle
Sidmouth Cycling Campaign
Cycling Archive
Sustainable Sidmouth
Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards
Sustainable Sidmouth and the Transition Town movement
Transition Town newsletters
Food and sustainability
Sidmouth 2020
The launch of the Sidmouth 2020 project
Creating a new Vision for Sidmouth
Learning from Lockdown
Solarpunk 2021
Solarpunk and Sidmouth
Solarpunk: resources for Sidmouth
Solarpunk events
Solarpunk: between art and science
Some legislation of importance to Sidmouth
Covid-19 related legislation
East Devon draft Local Plan
Sidmouth in EDDC’s Local Plan
East Devon Byelaws and Licensing
Sidmouth Town Council matters
National Legislation of particular importance to Sidmouth
National Guidance of importance to Sidmouth
International matters of importance to Sidmouth
Funding opportunities for Sidmouth
Local democracy
Our Sidmouth economy
Art, Culture and Tourism
Local Economic Resilience
The High Street
Industrial Estates
Built Environment
Built Heritage
Traffic and Transport
Traffic Management Plan
Green roof technology
The Knowle in 2022
Objections to the Knowle plans
EDDC ‘Moving and Improving’ July 2012
Port Royal redevelopment
Natural Environment
Environmental legislation
Beach Management Plan
From the BMP Advisory Group
The Pause Subgroup
Reframing the BMP question: February 2020
Erosion at Sidmouth in pictures
Evidence from recent storm events
Links to storm videos
2023 storms
Sediment transport images
Waves, winds and tides
A framework for the BMP
Sidmouth beaches and tourism
Climate Science
A history of climate change: Prof Brian Golding
Climate Change: So, What Do We Do?
How the greenhouse effect works
Debunking by building consensus
Air pollution and emissions
Health and Wellbeing
Futures Forum
Futures Forum Archive
News items by year
Items by subject Archive
The potential of hydro-electricity on the Exe
Beginners guides to energy
Solar technologies
Legal Notices
Privacy and cookies
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Navigation Menu
Navigation Menu
About the Vision Group for Sidmouth
Background and history
What is the VGS currently involved in?
Insurance policy
Minutes of VGS meetings
VGS Newsletters
VGS pieces in the press
Subjects library
VGS Projects
Friends of Glen Goyle
Sidmouth Cycling Campaign
Cycling Archive
Sustainable Sidmouth
Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards
Sustainable Sidmouth and the Transition Town movement
Transition Town newsletters
Food and sustainability
Sidmouth 2020
The launch of the Sidmouth 2020 project
Creating a new Vision for Sidmouth
Learning from Lockdown
Solarpunk 2021
Solarpunk and Sidmouth
Solarpunk: resources for Sidmouth
Solarpunk events
Solarpunk: between art and science
Some legislation of importance to Sidmouth
Covid-19 related legislation
East Devon draft Local Plan
Sidmouth in EDDC’s Local Plan
East Devon Byelaws and Licensing
Sidmouth Town Council matters
National Legislation of particular importance to Sidmouth
National Guidance of importance to Sidmouth
International matters of importance to Sidmouth
Funding opportunities for Sidmouth
Local democracy
Our Sidmouth economy
Art, Culture and Tourism
Local Economic Resilience
The High Street
Industrial Estates
Built Environment
Built Heritage
Traffic and Transport
Traffic Management Plan
Green roof technology
The Knowle in 2022
Objections to the Knowle plans
EDDC ‘Moving and Improving’ July 2012
Port Royal redevelopment
Natural Environment
Environmental legislation
Beach Management Plan
From the BMP Advisory Group
The Pause Subgroup
Reframing the BMP question: February 2020
Erosion at Sidmouth in pictures
Evidence from recent storm events
Links to storm videos
2023 storms
Sediment transport images
Waves, winds and tides
A framework for the BMP
Sidmouth beaches and tourism
Climate Science
A history of climate change: Prof Brian Golding
Climate Change: So, What Do We Do?
How the greenhouse effect works
Debunking by building consensus
Air pollution and emissions
Health and Wellbeing
Futures Forum
Futures Forum Archive
News items by year
Items by subject Archive
The potential of hydro-electricity on the Exe
Beginners guides to energy
Solar technologies
Legal Notices
Privacy and cookies
BMP respository
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