Travelling to a destination as a tourist whilst trying to have a positive impact on the environment, and respecting a destination’s culture, environment, and local communities.
The future of tourism looks very mixed – with the West Country both heavily-dependent on the trade, but also likely to benefit from ‘staycations’, if things are managed well:
The future of tourism in the West Country
The future of tourism in the West Country: part two
But should the West Country be putting all its eggs in one very unreliable basket?
One problem is that of sheer numbers:
The growth paradox: can tourism ever be sustainable? |
And locally:
Futures Forum: The West country struggling to cope with tourists
An answer, then, is ‘sustainable’ or ‘responsible’ tourism:
Futures Forum: Sustainable Tourism
Futures Forum: From the Somme to Exmoor: sharing experiences in sustainable tourism
Maybe, however, tourism can never be completely ‘sustainable’:
Is sustainable tourism really sustainable?
Let’s start with a harsh truth: if we continue to travel as unsustainably as we always have, we will destroy the world we live in. Something must be done and this is where sustainable tourism comes in; this is defined as a form of tourism that involves travelling to a destination as a tourist whilst trying to have a positive impact on the environment, and respecting a destination’s culture, environment, and local communities.
Obviously, the more we are educated on the impacts that tourism has on the world, the more we seek sustainable or responsible holidays. We need to get sustainable tourism right because the number of international tourist arrivals is expected to increase to 1.8 billion by 2030.
Is sustainable tourism really sustainable? |
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