Meanwhile, what can we be doing to encourage and look after our garden birds?
It’s Dawn Chorus Day on Sunday:
Set your alarm for the wildest free music festival of the year! International Dawn Chorus Day takes place on Sunday 7 May 2023 and we’re inviting you to wrap your ears around the most amazing sounds on the planet. International Dawn Chorus Day 2023 | The RSPB
There’s the RSPB nature reserve on Beacon Hill to hear the song: Fire Beacon Hill Local Nature Reserve – East Devon
With lots more from the DWT:
And remember you don’t have to head out to a nature reserve, you can always just open your window – and listen… Dawn Chorus Day | The Wildlife Trusts
With more inspiration: Embrace the dawn chorus | The Wildlife Trusts
And guidance: Identify bird song | The Wildlife Trusts

Meanwhile, what can we be doing to encourage and look after our garden birds?
This is from a newsletter from a farm specialising in bird feed:
RSPB studies have shown that if we feed live mealworms in our gardens during April, May and June, we will rear 50% more birds in our garden and if we want to see a lot of birds, we need to rear a lot of birds. Every bird has to take its nestlings moist food, as it can’t take them water, so the water has to be included in the food and that moist food is live insects. News From The Farm No.179
With lots more from the RSPB: Information on How to Help Birds – The RSPB