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District Council: towards zero carbon development

  • by JW

Local Democracy Reporter Daniel Clark looks at the plans for the new District Council – although much of the language is pretty much the same as the old council, where everything is going to be ‘outstanding’:


East Devon Council’s new plan

The plan outlines the ambition for the council to deliver an outstanding place and environment, outstanding homes and communities, outstanding level of economic growth, productivity and prosperity and outstanding council and council services.

East Devon Council’s new plan


Nevertheless, the priorities are very much about the environment:


Key Objectives include:

  • Deliver a coherent strategy towards zero carbon development
  • Start preparatory work on the next East Devon Local Plan immediately
  • Identify potential gypsy and traveller sites by April 2021
  • Commit to a climate change declaration to include the Council, and encouraging all our communities, businesses and visitors in a commitment to zero carbon emissions by 2040.
  • Publish a climate change action plan for East Devon to include challenging targets to achieve a carbon neutral council at the earliest opportunity…


This is what East Devon’s Independent administration plan to do in the next four years


And here is some flesh on the key Objective, published earlier this month in the District Council’s regular magazine:


Producing a carbon footprint for East Devon

We’re on a mission to measure our carbon footprint


As part of signing up to the Devon Climate Change Declaration (July 2019), East Devon District Council is aiming to become carbon neutral. Carbon neutrality is a term used to describe the action that organisations, businesses and individuals take to remove as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as each put into it. The overall goal of carbon neutrality is to achieve a zero carbon footprint.

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