” Although all the ingredients for change exist – from growing public support for structural change to accelerating clean technology – there has been a stark lack of action.”
“Transformative change can happen by making sustainable lifestyles the easy and preferred choice for people and communities.”
Calling for “bold science-based decision-making” to “completely rethink our way of living”.
Providing an evidence-based toolkit to support engaging the British public on climate change.
The Guardian today reports that a Stockholm institute calls for ‘bold science-based decision-making’ to tackle climate, social and economic crises:
The research from the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Council on Energy Environment and Water says the solutions to the interlinked planetary and inequality crisis exist, but calls for “bold science-based decision-making” to “completely rethink our way of living,”. “In our report, we seek to connect the big picture of intertwined planetary and inequality crises with the promising momentum for change that we see in public awareness and key technologies, to shift from urgency to agency”
As the report says, we can already do this: we don’t need further technological fixes:
It argues that although all the ingredients for change exist – from growing public support for structural change to accelerating clean technology – there has been a stark lack of action. It says transformative change can happen by making sustainable lifestyles the easy and preferred choice for people and communities and by promoting business models that focus on services delivered, not products made.
This is very much the take of the SolarPunk movement:
Why Solarpunk? – Sidmouth Solarpunk
As for how to talk to people about this, there are several excellent guides, including:
Britain Talks Climate is an evidence-based toolkit designed to support any organisation that wants to engage the British public on climate change. It offers a shared, strategic understanding of the British public, and – against a backdrop of growing concern about polarisation – identifies effective ways to engage across the whole of society. But building narratives that resonate with a diverse range of values and everyday concerns is critical for the long-term goal of deepening public engagement – and keeping it there.
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