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Fill in the Rural Cost of Living household survey

  • by JW

What are the levels of poverty hidden in the Sid Valley?

“Independent research shows rural areas are suffering more acutely from the cost of living crisis compared to urban areas.” [Rural Services Network]

“This idea that rural communities can just look after themselves is not based in reality and it is causing some of the people who live in them harm.” [Rural Poverty, Newcastle University]


It’s difficult to work out how much people in the rural areas of the Sid Valley are suffering under the current cost of living crisis – although increases in the use of the Food Bank will be an indication: Latest News – Sid Valley Food Bank

The Citizens’ Advice Service is on hand for practical advice: Rural fuel poverty – Vision Group for Sidmouth and Rural cost-of-living emergency: latest – Vision Group for Sidmouth

A new book has just come out looking at the extent of poverty in our rural areas:

The needs of the poorest and most vulnerable people living in the countryside are ignored by the UK Government in a way that would not be acceptable in urban areas, say academics in a new book. “There is a tendency to idealise rural communities as places where everyone looks after one another, and it would seem that this reputation for self- help and social cohesion legitimises the state withdrawing welfare services from rural areas,” said Professor Shucksmith. “This idea that rural communities can just look after themselves is not based in reality and it is causing some of the people who live in them harm.” Rural Poverty – Press Office – Newcastle University

And there’s a survey from the Rural Services Network asking for on-the-ground understandings of how people are managing in rural areas at the moment:

The Rural Services Network in partnership with the Citizens Advice Rural Issues Group launched a Rural Cost of Living Household Survey

We are delighted to have received almost 5500 responses to the survey but we want more!  The survey is now in its final few weeks and closes on 31st March 2023. We need your help to receive as many survey responses as possible, whatever your household’s income or financial position. This will help us to engage more effectively with Government Departments, MPs and other policy makers. We understand if you are unable, or indeed unwilling, to give answers to some of the questions, complete those you can.

Please click here to complete the survey

Please forward the survey link to all your contacts, networks, family and friends living in rural areas – the greater the response the better. Independent research commissioned by the RSN in summer last year shows rural areas are suffering more acutely from the cost of living crisis compared to urban areas. To lend more weight to the argument for more funding for rural areas the RSN is calling on as many rural residents as possible to complete a Rural Cost of Living Household Survey. 

The purpose of the survey is to understand more about rural household budgets at, what is, a very difficult time for many. Research has shown that those living in rural areas face extra costs and we now want to explore the impacts for households.

Please forward the survey link to all your contacts, networks, family and friends living in rural areas – the greater the response the better.

Final push to share your views on cost of living – Rural Services Network

Finally, the RSN has been pushing for ‘fairer funding’ for rural areas: Fairer funding for rural authorities – Vision Group for Sidmouth and The ‘rural England prosperity fund’ – what does it really mean? – Vision Group for Sidmouth