From ‘flower-bombing’ to sensory gardens to greening your neighbourhood…
The Transition Town network have been featuring some inspiring ways to bring plants and flowers and trees to our town centres.
From Croatia:
The point is that the change we want to see in the world – is actually in us – we are the ones we’ve been waiting for! And the question for you is – what do you want to see in your neighborhood and what can you do today to make it happen?

Zadruga Zelenica – Posts | Facebook
From Germany:
#WhatIf all our public squares were meeting places with sensory gardens: Another Lübeck marvel, the sensory garden in one of the public squares. It was created as an outdoor meeting space during the pandemic and proved so popular it has come back for another year.

Transition Network – Posts | Facebook
From California:
This couple is ‘flower-bombing’ the streets of San Francisco to help attract pollinator populations. Here’s how it’s making a difference for wildlife.
with SFinBloom
via NowThis