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Have your say on affordable housing in East Devon

  • by JW

The District Council is consulting on its latest proposals for affordable housing:


Affordable Housing

The draft Affordable Housing SPD and accompanying documents are being published for consultation, available through the links below:

Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

If you would like to comment on the draft Affordable Housing supplementary planning document and/or the accompanying documents (Environmental and Habitats screening reports, Equalities Impact Assessment), please email us at or post comments to Planning Policy, East Devon District Council, Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton, EX14 1EJ.

The consultation period runs from Thursday 28 March until Friday 10 May 2019 (at 5pm).

Affordable Housing


The East Devon Watch blog has a different take:

EDDC: Consultation on affordable housing (but not social housing)

34 days to local elections: today’s picture