Supporting the community with a meal delivery service and a phone buddy service.
The Sidmouth Voluntary Services offer a lunch and other services at Twyford House – as well as a bus service.
But in the current situation, it’s not able to offer many of its regular services. However, it’s actually doing more:
Sidmouth Voluntary Services
A Service of Care and Friendship in the Community
Our Response to Covid-19
Sidmouth Voluntary Services will be supporting those members of the community that are staying at home for their own safety by providing a meal delivery service and a phone buddy service.
Twyford House is now closed to all apart from staff who will be available from 9am until 1pm each weekday.
They can be contacted by phone:
Main Office: 01395 515063
Transport Office: 01395 512221 (09.00 – 12.00)
And by email:
See them on Facebook: