“Interesting to see they want all this development with the pouring of probably thousands of cubic metres of concrete, using millions of bricks, tens of thousands of gallons of diesel for transport and construction vehicles etc. etc. yet are still proposing to be carbon neutral. How does that work?”
Earlier today, the District Council’s strategic planning cttee met up to consider its housing allocation under its draft Local Plan – including Sidmouth:
Woolbrook proposal: “Located entirely within East Devon AONB… Overall, the site has a high / medium landscape sensitivity to new development.”
‘Large’ housing allocation for Sidmouth – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Here is the recording of that meeting:
Strategic Planning Committee (consultative meeting) 6 September 2022 – YouTube
Yesterday, the Town Council had met up to do the same:
“Members understood that in recent years East Devon had been growing faster than almost any other area in the Country and there was a feeling that we had already done more than our share to meet the Government’s target for new homes.”
‘Large’ housing allocation for Sidmouth: initial report – Vision Group for Sidmouth
The agenda and minutes can be found here:

Town Council (5 September 2022) – Sidmouth Town Council
These proposals to allocate new housing have excited a fair amount of interest on the VGS social media – with several hundred views and some considered comments which reflect those made by Councillors, for example:
- Don’t need more homes: need enough GPs, 24/7 Minor Injuries Unit, Improved Bus Services to Honiton and Seaton and Mass Vaccination Centre within the Valley. Oh and also local Branches of National Banks. Maybe a butcher back in town too? Someone needs to stop and think.
- Interesting to see they want all this development with the pouring of probably thousands of cubic metres of concrete, using millions of bricks, tens of thousands of gallons of diesel for transport and construction vehicles etc. etc. yet are still proposing to be carbon neutral. How does that work?
This has been shared on the Sidmouth Community social media:
- What’s the point in voting against, the council will do exactly what it wants! 196 homes is going to be 500 more people minimum- we do not have the infrastructure/facilities to accommodate-not to mention the impact on wildlife and tree/wood felling! The report states it’s adverse moderate impact I’m guessing those who dream up these reports would never actually use the words dire impact or no/never! Just look at flood planes building. Mr Jupp any thoughts????
- They’ve built an entire town at Cranbrook with very little infrastructure, so what do you expect from EDDC? Clueless
- Great news more holiday homes popping up for out of town people. This will be a great help
- None!. The doctors, dentists and schools are struggling already. The holiday homes/second homes should be sold/rented to locals. Time we looked after the locals in this area!!
- Has anyone else noticed that over the last 10 years, the flooding from the Brook in Woolbrook has worse. Fields being covered in housing so no longer soaking up the rainfall
- But it’s the modern way, create more residents then deliver half the required infrastructure.
- I wonder how many who are on councils housing list will get any let me guess NONE
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