Sidmouth Youth Centre is a central part of life in the Sid Valley, delivered by Young Devon [a young people’s charity in the South West of England] and Sidmouth Town Council:
Sidmouth Youth Centre; a fun, open access Youth Centre, for the young people of Sidmouth! A safe space where young people can learn, and develop healthier, happier lives; Sidmouth Youth Centre runs Youth Club evenings, Skills Nights, and awesome activities in school holidays.
The building is also an important community hub, with the Sidmouth Repair Café holding its regular monthly sessions there, as is the Sid Valley Food Bank with its permanent store.
At the Sidmouth Town Council‘s last meeting in April, Councillor Hilary Nelson, Chair of the Youth Provision Working Group, said the feasibility study into replacement of the current Youth Centre Building would be circulated shortly.
Since then, the Herald has interviewed Cllr Nelson, where she confirmed that the Sidmouth youth centre is under review as future options are considered:
“Manstone Youth Centre is coming to the end of its natural life and the Town Council is therefore discussing possible options for reuse or rebuilding on the site. The Council has undertaken a survey of young people in the Sid Valley to understand their needs and aspirations, and commissioned a feasibility study to look at options for the built environment.
“Although it has yet to make a final decision as to the future of the site, it is clear that whatever option is taken, there will be some disruption to the existing users of the centre. The Town Council is keen to ensure that all the organisations that use the existing building, including the Town Council commissioned youth services, have robust contingency plans in place. We have therefore communicated with organisations such as the Repair Café, to advise them to review alternative options.”