From Sustainable Crediton today:
Research study
Household Supplier Energy Market (HoSEM) study
We are looking for volunteers who have an interest in renewable energy to take part in an interview study. Our project examines how technology can be used to enable a new renewable energy market. Ultimately, it aims to build and test a technology-based system that will allow individuals to trade renewable energy directly between themselves. It would also enable community owned projects to sell energy directly to their members. This is a change from the current system where you must sell any excess to the grid at a set price.
As part of building and testing this new technology, we want to talk to people who have an interest in renewable energy. We want to find out their thoughts about the system, including what they would want the system to do. We also want to know whether and why they would be interested in using a system like the one described. Participation in our study would involve taking part in an interview to discuss these things. The interview would last approximately one hour.
We are looking for different types of people – who have an interest in renewables – to take part. For example, you might have: renewable energy generators (e.g., solar powers) installed on your property, or invested in a community energy project, or considered joining a “green energy” tariff.
If you would like to participate in the research, or want more information, please contact Denise Wilkins (