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2008 Transition Town

Congratulations to the Sustainable Sidmouth Group for a great break-through this week.

… our formal acceptance as a ‘Transition Town’, which is a fantastic achievement.

All this means that we are taking seriously the twin challenges of climate change & peak oil and the need for ‘transition’ to a more resilient community and a more robust, local economy.

But don’t worry if you can’t quite get your head around all of this: a highlight of the meeting of the 24th will be a PowerPoint presentation by the Sustainable Sidmouth Action Group of what this exactly signifies.

Local councils are recognising more and more that this is a solid and clear-headed way to tackle these issues.

(Our neighbours the Somerset County and District Councils are taking this on board.

Meanwhile, our own local councils have been expressing great interest in the Transition Town process too.

So, watch this space!