01 November 2010 Energy Action Devon to forge links in East Devon
David Fletcher, Chief Executive of Energy Action Devon looks to forge links in East Devon, he tells Sid Valley Energy Action Group.
‘Your house will not risk rotting if you instal energy efficient insulation’ was one of the messages highlighted by him . ‘There is a lot of mis-information around. Materials, techniques and efficiency have improved considerably in recent year. David visited the Sid Valley Energy Action Group on Monday to talk about what his organisation does and how Sidmothians could benefit from EAD’s expertise.
‘Cosy Devon – hug your home’ is only one of the initiatives EAD manages in partnership with Devon County Council and all 10 Devon local authorities and the energy supplier E.ON. Money saving insulation can be free or subsidised for pensioners and benefit claimants. Private landlords will benefit from ‘plea’, another EAD scheme to help them improve their property and benefit their tenants with little cost to the landlords themselves. And there is more on a long list of activities to help communities and individuals manage their energy use better.
We heard about the many projects ranging from insulation to renewable energy generation to ‘renewable energy tours’ of private homes so people can see what can be done. We saw fuel poverty maps, heard about government energy initiatives, understood there will be new training opportunities for those who want jobs in this field, and discussed how behaviour makes a difference to how much you pay for your energy.
David highlighted lack of information and knowledge as one of the big barriers preventing householders from even considering insulating their home and thus making their homes more comfortable as well as saving money in the face of steadily increasing energy prices.
Providing information is one area where the Sid Valley Energy Action Group is already active. We will host a free evening of information and discussion at Sidmouth College on 17 November at 7.30 pm to hear more from experts and locals who real life stories to tell. All are welcome and refreshments will be available.
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