Following the article in this week’s Sidmouth Herald, you can download an outline business plan for the Sidmouth Drill Hall Hub proposal
Following the article in this weeks Sidmouth Herald, you can download an outline business plan for the Sidmouth Drill Hall Hub proposal here
– Sidmouth Drill Hall Hub
We aim to have the Drill Hall open in time for Sidmouth Folk Week 2014.
The vision for regenerating the Drill Hall is now focused with a number of partners on 6 main areas:
• Community
• Heritage
• Education
• Catering – café, restaurant & bar locally sourced
• Maritime & fisheries
• Employment, Apprenticeships & Training
We have submitted bids as follows:
£940,000 to the Big Lottery Coastal Community Fund
€600,000 (partnership bid) to the EU ERDF Interreg IVA 2 Seas ‘Thematic Cluster’ Programme
We have also submitted bids to the Keith Owen fund – to pay local traders to assess the cost of repairs to the building, and to Social Investment Business for finance to support the creation of a Community Interest Company to manage all aspects of the regeneration and running of the Sidmouth Drill Hall.
We will begin a Friends and Members scheme very soon, and we are keen to talk to anyone that would like to invest in the project (at any amount) and gain shares in the Drill Hall CIC that will remain valued at the rate of market value at any point of the CIC.
We are especially looking to create £200,000 towards purchasing the building freehold and act as match funding for the Coastal Community Fund bid. This can be in instalments of any amount invested into the CIC, or one single investment.
We thank everyone for their ongoing support and still very much hope this project will be a success that will benefit the whole community of Sidmouth.