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2014 Local plan … and housing figures latest

One of the founding principles of the Vision Group was to ‘commend the residents’ vision to the Local Development Framework’ …

… which was to become the draft Local Plan.

That was almost ten years ago. Now we should be entering the closing stages, but it’s proving a very difficult and protracted process…

There has been some news in the local media:

Housing growth: Progress being made but full picture still to emerge (From Mid Devon Star)

Thousands more homes for region? – News – Sidmouth Herald

And press release from the District Council:

East Devon District Council – News   This has now been removed from the EDDC website

See the Futures Forum blog for more news and views:

Futures Forum: Housing numbers in East Devon …… and the Local Plan …… further reports on planning meeting of 26th August

Futures Forum: Housing numbers in East Devon …… and the Local Plan …… reports on planning meeting of 26th August

Futures Forum: Housing numbers in East Devon … “The region, which is earmarked for 11,000 new homes…”

Futures Forum: Housing in East Devon: “the delay (and the developer free-for-all) could influence how residents vote in the next local elections in May 2015.”

Futures Forum: Housing in East Devon: “I don’t see it as the floodgates opening, but I do see a stampede coming.”

Futures Forum: The pressures to build on green fields: ‘intention to build’… is not the same as ‘applying for outline planning permission’ … is not the same as ‘applying for full planning permission’

Futures Forum: The pressures to build on green fields: CPRE: “new out-of-town developments are top of the list concerns”

Futures Forum: The pressures to build on green fields: “the number of new homes is growing”

Futures Forum: “Build half a million more homes” … but to what extent are really ‘innovative schemes’ being sought and introduced by local authorities to provide affordable housing?

Futures Forum: “More people want more homes” ……. or maybe not ……. “The idea that people can now choose better where new housing goes is just complete nonsense.”

Futures Forum: The Secret History of Our Streets on BBC Two ………….. “How strident community activism paved the way for the Housing Association movement across the UK”