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2014 Sidmouth Beach Management Plan Steering Group

Report from the first meeting of 4th February

Following on from the first Sidmouth BMP Steering Group earlier last week and the information provided

Futures Forum: Sidmouth Beach Management Plan Steering Group – background

below is the report from the Vision Group’s Futures Forum, who were one of the attendees.


The official minutes of the Steering Group will appear shortly.


The main concerns coming out of the preliminary meeting of the Sidmouth BMP Steering Group, from the VGS Futures Forum perspective, are as follows:

> That the findings and recommendations of the Pathfinder project should be made available.

> That the Town Council should be approached with regard to the Neighbourhood Flood Plan, which was set up under the Pathfinder project.

> That any Community Infrastructure Levy raised from any development at Port Royal should be spent on defence and protection measures in Sidmouth which are proposed under the Beach Management Plan.

> That research should be undertaken to ascertain any potential impacts on Sidmouth’s economic wellbeing, tourism industry and business community, if the BMP is not carried out.

> That research should be undertaken into the effects of flooding on:

– the eastern beach;

– fluvial flood defences;

– Alma Bridge;

– other significant assets, including the SWW waste facility, the East Ham area and Port Royal.


It is with this in mind that the VGS Futures Forum welcomes the BMP’s Steering Group’s community consultation to be held at the Sailing Club at the end of February. The particular focus will be on pictures and stories from local people re the beach/cliffs, as consultants Halcrow are interested in the history and collection of data  in order to put together a BMP which will allow a full bid for funding from the Environment Agency.

See: Sidmouth BMP Briefing Note 1 – DRAFT_v3 Final.pdf

The VGS Futures Forum will consider a full public meeting to follow on from this consultation – to allow further information and proposals to come forward for the BMP.