VGS has been the place where many groups have started, before becoming large enough to stand on their own.
Also we have cordial links with, or form part of, many other groups who work, or have worked, on projects within the Sid Valley. Some of our favourites are listed below.
Save Our Sidmouth
Science Festival
Coastal Communities Hub
Drill Hall Rescue
Walking Festival
Literature Festival
We are part of or have/had links with steering groups for collaborative projects, including those with either town and/or district councils
Port Royal Reference Group
Beach Management Plan
Neighbourhood Plan
We also have links with national groups
Transition Towns
New Economics Foundation which includes the Blue New Deal: building better coastal communities, which was launched in Autumn 2016
We do not support any political party or endorse any political viewpoint; if any group included on these links does so then their opinions are purely their own and not those of VGS.
We accept no responsibility for the contents of external sites.