For a really ignorant way a city council has handled its trees, one need look no further than Sheffield:
Futures Forum: Love of trees is in our roots, we must stop the culls now
There’s a campaign to stop street trees being cut down: Creative Commons: copyright Tim Dennel
Radio 4’s afternoon play took us to the heart of the tragedy:
Our Trees
Chestnuts on A roads, sycamores down alleys, rowans on roundabouts, and avenues of lime. Why do people care so much about urban trees? Perhaps they want to save the trees because the trees save them?
Frances Byrnes’ docu-drama, narrated by Robert Glenister, weaves the voices of Sheffield’s tree campaigners into a dark contemporary fairytale.
The poem Heartwood, a charm-against-harm, was written for Sheffield’s trees by Robert MacFarlane.
Apparently the trees are ‘getting in the way’:
Debunked: Trees being cut down “because they block 5G”
New trees have been planted: – and the council are asking ‘locals’ to water them:
Locals encouraged to water young trees this summer
Arb contractors criticised for public call to water young trees
Finally, this is what the Sheffield Tree Action Groups have to say about this: