“adaptability is the key”
This week has seen a series on ‘greening’ business – including in Sidmouth:
How Sidmouth businesses are helping the environment – Vision Group for Sidmouth
But as suggested in several of these pieces, ‘shopping local’ is good for the environment – as it reduces supply chains, as well as carbon footprint:
Shortening food supply chains – Vision Group for Sidmouth
There have been several very positive stories about business in the local media this week – highlighting how enterprise can and is thriving.
For example:
There seems to be an unspoken ethos emerging of ‘collaboration over competition’ with many of our small businesses supporting each other to grow – a completely free and heartening form of advertising.
Changing face of Sidmouth high street | Sidmouth Herald
If the last two years have taught us anything, it is that longevity and adaptability is the key and whether we like it or not it, is something we must be prepared to accept.
Marketing, good P.R. and branding are all key objectives for anyone wishing to build a business
Vincent Page: Successful brands need investment in PR | Sidmouth Herald
In preparation for what could arguably be a very busy year for everyone, a smart presentable business could be key to a thriving season.
Vincent Page: We should do all we can to encourage shoppers | Sidmouth Herald
A restaurant at the Donkey Sanctuary, located on the outskirts of Sidmouth, has been awarded a Taste of the West Gold Award for the fourth year in a row.
Sidmouth: Donkey Sanctuary restaurant wins award for fourth year running | sidmouth.nub.news