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Raising car parking charges: “Given the current state of the high street, this is not the time to put up prices.”

  • by JW

Putting up car park charges is pretty heavy-handed:

Raising car parking charges is about raising revenue – not about reducing emissions

Raising car parking charges – and threatening the viability of small businesses


The District Council has issued a statement:

East Devon Scrutiny committee to set up a Task and Finish Forum to consider the ongoing future of the council’s car parks

Statement from the Leader of East Devon District Council, Cllr Ben Ingham, regarding East Devon’s car parking tariff review


Which has been widely reported in the local news:

Leader of East Devon District Council issues statement regarding car parking tariffs Sidmouth Nub news

Pay-and-display at Temple Street would be final ‘nail in the coffin’ for traders | Sidmouth Herald


Councillors fume over car park charge rises that would be ‘death knell for businesses

James McLean, who runs Sidmouth Pets said that the plans to introduce pay-and-display parking at the Temple Street car park could be terminal for his business. He said: “Given the current state of the high street, this is not the time to put up prices and if implemented, it could be terminal for my business and others on Temple Street.”

Councillors fume over car park charge rises that would be ‘death knell for businesses’ | Devon Live