“So the plan, published in January 2018, turned out to be just another piece of paper whose only effective function was to convince people that something was being done.”
It was last year when the relatively new body, the Office for Environmental Protection, issued its first report:
“Regrettably, environmental laws and government strategy and policy have not yet proved successful in significantly slowing down, halting or reversing biodiversity decline or the unsustainable use of resources or the pollution of the environment.” ‘Taking Stock’ of the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Today, the same body has released an even more damning report: Government falling ‘far short’ on environmental targets – BBC News
The environment media is certainly not impressed: ‘Little good news’: OEP slams government over progress on environmental goals | endsreport.com
Government falling ‘far short’ of environment commitments
The government is failing to make progress on all of its environmental targets, according to a new watchdog report, spelling bad news for UK wildlife.
Out of 23 environmental targets, new public body, the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP), found that the government was off track on all of them. The 25 Year Environment Plan (25 YEP) first set out in 2018 includes a range of steps and statutory targets to improve the environment, but little progress has been made in achieving these.
32 environment trends were analysed and just nine of these were found to be improving, while eleven were static and eight were worsening. The report also acknowledged a severe decline in species abundance, a lack of data reporting and little action taken to improve climate resilience...
Government falling ‘far short’ of environment commitments | environmentjournal.online