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Tech billionaires and the green agenda

  • by JW

“Elon Musk: CO2 saint or sinner?”

“Elon Musk: The Evening Rocket”


The Financial Times has a new series of articles on green issues:

Climate Capital is the new go-to hub for the latest on climate change from a business, economic and political perspective. 

Climate Capital | Financial Times


And a lot of these are freely-accessible – for example:

The race to scale up green hydrogen | Financial Times

Consumer companies develop paper alternatives to plastic packaging | Financial Times

Brazil’s plan to thwart ‘cattle laundering’ | Financial Times

How the race for renewable energy is reshaping global politics | Financial Times


And the FT doesn’t pull its punches – with a film looking at the green credentials of Elon Musk:

Elon Musk: CO2 saint or sinner? | FT Film

The electric car revolutionary has built a reputation as a clean energy champion. But SpaceX has never fitted in with Musk’s green image. Now the tech billionaire is driving the energy-hungry crypto market. FT writers and experts weigh his climate record, both good and bad, and ask whether his green status stacks up

Elon Musk: CO2 saint or sinner? | FT Film | Financial Times


It’s pretty cool stuff – but is it ‘sustainable’?

Elon Musks »Starship«: Auf dem Weg zur interplanetaren Spezies – Spektrum der Wissenschaft


Meanwhile, a new series has just started on Radio 4:

Elon Musk: The Evening Rocket

Jill Lepore untangles the strange sci-fi roots of Silicon Valley’s extreme capitalism – with its extravagant, existential and extra-terrestrial plans to save humanity. In this world, stock prices can be driven partly by fantasies found in blockbuster superhero movies, but that come from science fiction, some of it a century old. If anyone personifies this phenomenon, it’s Elon Musk, the richest or second-richest person in the world on any given day.

BBC Radio 4 – Elon Musk: The Evening Rocket


Elon Musk has certainly been interested in a lot of things:

Futures Forum: Hydrogen is the future for transport, not electric

Futures Forum: Earth or Mars, the future is all about reusability

Futures Forum: New battery technology to change the energy infrastructure

Futures Forum: Universal Basic Income in Finland


But so has Silicon Valley generally:

Futures Forum: The techno-fix … Can we engineer our way out of environmental catastrophe? Or …. Can we ‘design for the real world’?

Futures Forum: The promises of technological innovation  >>> “The rise of the techno-libertarians: the five most socially-destructive aspects of Silicon Valley”

Futures Forum: Climate change: Are proposals to repair the climate offering “scalable technological fixes” or “climate despair”?