“The Bicycle Ballet company creates exhilarating outdoor dance performances on bikes, exploring the joyful highs and gritty lows of cycling.” [Bicycle Ballet website]
From the Sidmouth Cycling Campaign:
The Bicycle Ballet comes to the Sidmouth SeaFest!
At the Sidmouth SeaFest on Saturday 20th May we will be welcoming The Bicycle Ballet who will be performing two sets on the east end of the Esplanade. They are a dynamic group who bring spectacle and humour to cycling (and ballet). As well as providing entertainment they will also be highlighting the joys of cycling which the Sidmouth Cycling Campaign is intent on fostering within our beautiful East Devon countryside.
We are all keen cyclists and recognise the urgent need for cycleways, so that the region can connect its main hubs for health and business reasons. As our recent survey recognised, the cycleways in and around Sidmouth only connect small areas. The public would like routes to Sidbury and Ottery specifically to open up the valley for healthy pursuits. Imagine the impact it will have on the area if people could cycle from Ottery to Sidmouth – this is great for people of all ages and will get people out of their cars, improving air quality and our natural habitat.
The Bicycle Ballet will be bringing their amazing show to the Sidmouth SeaFest and we encourage all locals to come to the festival on foot or by bike. The time is now for demonstrating to local politicians that action speaks louder than words. Members of the Sidmouth Cycling Campaign will be at the Vision Group for Sidmouth stall at the SeaFest, in addition to supporting The Bicycle Ballet performances. Come and see us to find out more about our plans for making cycling in East Devon accessible.
The Sidmouth Cycling Campaign is part of the Vision Group for Sidmouth: Sidmouth Cycling Campaign – Vision Group for Sidmouth and https://www.facebook.com/groups/sidmouthcyclingcampaign
Enquiries to: sidmouthcyclingcampaign@gmail.com
The Bicycle Ballet
The Bicycle Ballet company creates exhilarating outdoor dance performances on bikes, exploring the joyful highs and gritty lows of cycling. The choreographies fuse dance and physical theatre with visual spectacle, comedy and striking soundtracks. About | Bicycle Ballet
Bicycle Ballet | a celebration of the dance that Is cycling and https://www.facebook.com/bicycleballet/