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The future of the Sidmouth Air Show: environmental impact

  • by JW

“Concerns raised” despite “overwhelming support”.


There are serious questions about the environmental impact of air displays – as considered back in 2016:

Futures Forum: The Red Arrows and carbon emissions 

And again last year:

The future of the Sidmouth Air Show – Vision Group for Sidmouth

A survey went out last August asking for opinions about the Red Arrows making a return to Sidmouth:

(20+) Sidmouth Plastic Warriors | Interested to hear thoughts on the air show | Facebook

A similar survey happened in April:

Should Sidmouth Air Show be scrapped? | Sidmouth Herald

With the results just out:

Sidmouth Air Show Survey Results – Sidmouth Town Council

And with the Herald reporting tonight:

Uncertainty continues over the future of Sidmouth Airshow as concerns are raised over its environmental impact. 

Sidmouth Town Council is currently exploring local views on the Airshow and has carried out an initial survey of local residents, which showed overwhelming support.

But no decision will be made until later this year after further research has been carried out. This will include a consultation of local businesses on the Airshow’s economic benefits, a traffic survey, and information on the fuel consumption of the Red Arrows and other aircraft, along with the emissions they produce.

The online poll attracted 869 responses from the EX10 area – almost all extremely supportive. Just under 91 per cent said they thought the event brings an overall positive benefit to the people and community, and almost the same percentage wanted the Airshow to return in future years. But the survey did not ask for views on the show’s environmental impact, and some people took to Facebook to express those concerns.

Sidmouth Airshow | Sidmouth Herald

This follows on from a town council meeting:
