“The lack of affordable housing in South West England is having a detrimental impact on the regional economy.” [Homes for the South West of England]
A fortnight ago, the property website Rightmove warned that renters prices have ‘hit a new record high’ – although 2024 is expected to be a year when the pace of rental growth slows down.
As for buying, the CPRE claimed recently that the housing crisis poses a threat to the survival of rural communities:
A chronic shortage of genuinely affordable housing is creating huge social housing waiting lists and forcing people out of the communities they know and love. This worrying crisis is being fed by record house prices, stagnating wages and an increasing number of second homes and short term lets.
At the same time, the National Housing Federation published a report spotlighting critical needs – especially for rural housing:
The NHF has recently launched an ambitious report, “Let’s Fix the Housing Crisis,” aimed at addressing England’s growing housing challenges. This report is part of their long-term plan for housing and emphasises the urgent need for collaborative efforts between the government, housing associations, and local communities. Highlighting key issues such as affordability, sustainability, and community development, the NHF’s initiative seeks to create a more inclusive and sustainable housing landscape. The report also underlines the critical role of rural areas in the national housing strategy, an aspect particularly relevant to the Rural Services Network.
And today, an alliance of housing associations declare that urgent action is needed in the South Western England housing crisis
The alliance of 12 housing associations, collectively possessing more than 250,000 properties, has urged the next Government to respond to the shortage with immediate action, spearheading investment and the construction of new homes across the region. Louise Swain, chair of Homes for the South West, said: “The housing crisis in the South West is fast approaching breaking point. Too few homes are being built and we are now one of the least affordable regions in England, behind only London, the East of England, and the South East.”

The Homes for the South West of England alliance are working together to identify and tackle the barriers to new housing in our region. Last year they produced a report on Housing Affordability in the South West of England:
“The lack of affordable housing in South West England is having a detrimental impact on the regional economy, as essential workers, such as doctors and nurses, are struggling to find suitable housing at levels they can afford. This not only affects the quality of life for these workers but also the provision of essential services for the wider community.”
The main point is, then, that the South West is suffering from a “chronic shortage” of homes – but where would they go? The Draft Local Plan proposes new housing in Sidmouth – but how many will be affordable? And, actually, What is its housing target?