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Transforming local food production with lessons from the electricity market

  • by JW

From feed-in tariff to feeding tariff?

A food production subsidy, paid for by (some) consumers, to stimulate investment in sustainably produced food for local supply?


There are many reasons to support a local, sustainable food system:

Support your local food – Vision Group for Sidmouth

Local food: local resilience to global risk – Vision Group for Sidmouth

How to create a sustainable food system: an analysis – Vision Group for Sidmouth


Here’s the concluding paragraph of a fascinating proposal from Chris Blake, writing for the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission:


From feed-in tariff to feeding tariff?

Transforming local food production with lessons from the electricity market.

I can imagine a future where, with a feeding tariff, farmers have the confidence to invest in agroecological production and new local markets supply chains without having to match global prices. And, potentially, paid for by a tax on the luxury, added-value items. If this seems unlikely, then remember that that the owner of the electrically heated hot tub is paying for local renewable generation through a levy on the electricity bill!

From feed-in tariff to feeding tariff? – Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

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