… the evening will also see the launch of the Cherishing Sidmouth Cemeteries group
It’s autumn, so it’s time for the Vision Group for Sidmouth’s Annual General Meeting.
Officers will be up for (re-)election at the Leigh Browne Room of the Dissenter’s Hall in Sidmouth [aka the Old Meeting Unitarian Chapel Sidmouth] – as of 7pm on Tuesday 14th November.
The agenda will also include a look back at the year’s activities, including the very active Friends of Glen Goyle and the Sidmouth Cycling Campaign – plus the latest on the Beach Management Plan and other planning applications.
And the evening will also see the launch of the Cherishing Sidmouth Cemeteries group – following on from years of discussion on how to manage Sidmouth Cemetery and other graveyards.
Everyone is welcome to attend – and entry is free.
Hope to see you there!
Get in touch for more details.
With the minutes of earlier VGS AGMs and other meetings available to peruse.