Councillor Kevin Walker
“These are important roles as it is essential that the Town Council remains connected to the many different organisations in the Sid Valley.” [Cllr Chris Lockyear, chair, Sidmouth Town Council]
In his regular piece in the Herald, the chair of Sidmouth Town Council reported on the Annual Council meeting held on 13th May, which marks the start of a new year for the council. And part of that meeting involved the making of formal appointments:
The meeting also appointed Councillors as representatives on outside bodies as well as members with special responsibilities. These are important roles as it is essential that the Town Council remains connected to the many different organisations in the Sid Valley. I won’t list all the names but suffice it to say there are 22 different organisations with a Council representative. The full list is on our website.
The Vision Group for Sidmouth is very pleased to have been formally provided with a representative for the first time – as proposed in the Agenda to the meeting and as resolved in the ensuing Minutes, “that the nominations listed in the agenda papers for Town Council representatives on outside bodies be approved”:
Vision Group for Sidmouth: Cllr Kevin Walker
The VGS would like to formally welcome Kevin as both the Town Council representative on the Vision Group’s steering group (aka: coordination team) and as the Vision Group’s representative on the Town Council – as this is very much a two-way process.
A little more about Cllr Kevin Walker is available on the Town Council website.
And a little more about the long-standing relationship between the VGS and STC is on this website’s background and history page which reminds us that the Vision Group was set up back in 2005 by both the Town Council and the Sid Vale Association.