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Why shouldn’t we grow our own?

  • by JW

Some ideas on how to grow our own food.


Why should we ‘grow our own’?

Well, there are so many reasons for having a veg plot and much more green in our gardens.

A concerned local resident has contributed this lively and informative guest piece looking at the reasons and the options for ‘growing our own food’:

I believe we need to be encouraged to grow food, no matter how small our facility is, as more and more arable land is turned into housing and road. 

Growing Enough Food to Feed a Family

Backyard gardening: grow your own food, improve your health – Harvard Health

Here in England we are the most populated country in the western world. We need to built more low rise flats with landscaping and trees. Possibly with an allotment area. 

Is it possible to live off vegetables and fruit from your garden all year round? – Country Life

30 budget garden ideas – savvy tips for big and small plots alike | Real Homes

Ban artificial grass. Prevent x% of people’s outside space being turned into hardcore which prevents water retention and work towards converting those that have been done to be converted back to green spaces with grass and trees and food produce. 

Keep our front gardens green!

Impact of paved front gardens on current and future urban flooding

School children need to be taught manual skills; mathematical and science skills to be able to test their soil; plan and action a food growing scheme; be able to use the maths and science to grow things according to the local temperature as it changes; seasons change. 

Setting up and running a school garden

Gardening for beginners: Three fun and easy steps for children to get involved over the half-term

Streets/ neighbours could help each other to construct greenhouses ; plant appropriate foods and maybe the council can help the sick and the elderly to utilise their land in a better way by hiring gardeners to help these people at a reduced rate or none at all. 

Six Ways that Thoughtful Community Planning can Help Fight Climate Change | Smart Cities Dive

What are the health and well-being impacts of community gardening for adults and children | Environmental Evidence | Full Text

We have a little garden. Each of the kids gets a plot. Right now, it’s all lettuce and radishes, but tonight we put in the beanpoles and cucumber climbing stuff. mi huerta | We have a little garden. Each of the kids gets a… | Flickr