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Accessing learning opportunities online

  • by JW


“The advancement of online education is one of the few unexpected benefits of the pandemic.”


Back in April last year, we were being urged to “take the opportunity to practice our do-it-yourself skills” during lockdown:

Make do and mend – Vision Group for Sidmouth


As the piece said, the Repair Café “offers a great opportunity for anyone to pop along with a much-loved but very broken lawnmower or laptop or chair, to receive a touch of TLC from the team of experienced ‘fixers’.”

They have been closed for the last eighteen months – but plan to reopen, with suitable precautions at the end of next month. More of which later:

Sidmouth Repair Cafe – Posts | Facebook


Meanwhile, we can still learn and hone those skills – whether practical or otherwise.

The make-do-and-mend piece carried several links on places to go for both advice and courses.

But what the last year and a half has taught us is that, besides realising we can work from home much more easily, we can also access all sorts of learning opportunities online.

This is from the introduction from the educational website ‘Taught Up’ which looks at what’s available out there:


At the height of the global pandemic, we saw that over 1.2 billion children were enrolled in online classes. It’s tempting to label this as the beginning of online learning – but the industry was seeing a huge surge long before the pandemic. 

With online skill-boosting platforms like Skillshare and Masterclass marketing themselves as an alternative to Netflix and other large companies pouring vast sums into the necessary technology. We have seen vast advancements in the quality of online education. 

However, online education has more to offer than a teach-yourself language app or a pre-recorded writing class with Margret Attwood. Many universities and Academies are beginning to offer their courses online. 

For those who cannot attend traditional education – whether that is due to a disability, lack of funds, or another barrier – quality online courses can be a lifeline. One that opens doors many people didn’t realize existed. The advancement of online education is one of the few unexpected benefits of the pandemic. 

No matter your reason for wanting to jump into online education, you will find this guide contains everything you need to know about starting the process. We will be covering it all – including costs, accreditation, and assessment formats.

The Ultimate Guide To Online Learning | Taughtup



Especially as we look to the future:

Do we really want to ‘go back to normal’? 2: the hospitality industry – Vision Group for Sidmouth

A hybrid approach to working – Vision Group for Sidmouth


photo: credit: Taught Up