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Affordable housing for Beer

  • by JW

New scheme will be “all affordable and for local people”

“What an absolutely wonderful opportunity for some of the youngsters to be able to get hold of something like this.”


Some two years ago, it was announced that more affordable homes would be built in Beer after East Devon District Council agreed to loan Beer Community Land Trust over a million pounds:

Beer’s affordable homes – Vision Group for Sidmouth


The Beer CLT was set up to help local people live in the village – and there have been several projects:

HOME | final


The Herald reports on the latest development:

An application by the Beer Community Land Trust to demolish the old social club at Berry Hill and construct six homes was approved unanimously by East Devon District Council’s planning committee on Wednesday, July 22. The plan is for four townhouses and two two-bedroom apartments, all affordable and for local people.

Beer affordable homes plan approved by councillors | Sidmouth Herald


With more from the East Devon News:

Committee member Councillor David Key said: “What an absolute wonderful opportunity for some of the youngsters to be able to get hold of something like this.”

Cllr Philip Skinner added: “I think it’s fantastic that a village of this scale is getting affordable housing at this level.”

Bid to replace Beer Social Club with six affordable homes is approved
