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Do businesses have a wider responsibility to the environment?

  • by JW

“Consumers care about sustainability—and back it up with their wallets” [McKinsey]


It’s the Rural Services Network’s national rural conference in September – and they have a sponsor:

Gemserv is a leading provider of professional services, helping public and private sector partners make the most of a world increasingly driven by data and technology. Their mantra [is] that businesses have a wider responsibility to society and the environment.

They are also at the heart of the current debate over off-grid heating regulations and skills needed for net zero – with a case study here:

We were commissioned by the South West Net Zero Hub to set out the skills gaps on the green skills and workforce requirements for a net zero housing stock in the South West of England. Our research found that there’s a big challenge with millions of installations of insulation and heat pumps required to decarbonise the region and thousands of roles required over the next 7-27 years to install and maintain them.  However, we also found that the region has a number of core strengths, from good provision of skills, a strong and growing low carbon sector, and a thriving relationship between industry and education and training providers. Read the full report here.

Do businesses have a wider responsibility to society and the environment?

This is to some extent the now-traditional understanding of CSR, or corporate social responsibility.

These days, businesses see that they can be both socially responsible and make a profit – but also that “consumers care about sustainability—and back it up with their wallets“.

Sounds a win-win situation!