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Drill Hall plans endorsed

  • by JW

The planning application for the Drill Hall was looked at by the Town Council’s planning committee this week:

Drill Hall plans to be considered Wednesday 28th August


The Herald reports on the council’s whole-hearted endorsement:

Rockfish restaurant will be a ‘real asset’


It is understood that the several points brought up by members of the public will form part of the council’s own submission – including those from the Sidmouth Trawlers, the SVA and the Vision Group.

This is from what was said on behalf of the VGS at the council meeting:

Drill Hall planning application – VGS POINTS RAISED AT TOWN COUNCIL 28TH AUGUST 2019


However, the council is only a consultee and does not have that much influence over any planning application.

Nor does the the Conservation Officer.

Here is comment from a correspondent:

Town and Parish councils are supposed to supply local input which the planners and Planning authority use to help make decisions. To refuse to engage but leave it to the Conservation Officer is saying in effect leave it to the Planning Officers to decide or if it goes to DMC (the District Council’s planning committee) for them to decide.

The DMC often ignores Officer’s advice, however strong the advice and evidence is, that it is making inappropriate changes to a building.

(And the Drill Hall is on the list of local heritage assets in the Neighbourhood Plan.)

I wish we had a system like Cornwall:

Pre-application community engagement – Cornwall Council


Further comments have shown concern about the proposed colour of the refurbished building:

Drill Hall plans: shades of grey


Although one commentator says:

“Personally I would prefer the turquoise and white to the dark grey …. much more in keeping with a seaside town!”


This is the Rockfish restaurant in Exmouth with its signature colours:

Rockfish – Esplanade © Betty Longbottom cc-by-sa/2.0 :: Geograph …
