What are the issues and options for a new local plan?
The District Council has been asking people to look at the ‘issues and options’ for putting together a new local plan:
The Town Council has submitted its input – available to view in full from page 28 of its 1st March meeting:
The SVA and Chamber of Commerce have also commented on the Local Plan’s first set of proposals.
Here is the submission from the VGS:
Local Plan – Issues and Options – final VGS submission – March 2021
Together with references to the Neighbourhood Plan:
These pages have covered some of the issues over the past week:
East Devon Local Plan consultation: renewable energy – Vision Group for Sidmouth
East Devon Local Plan consultation: homes – Vision Group for Sidmouth
East Devon Local Plan consultation: the costs of development – Vision Group for Sidmouth
East Devon Local Plan consultation: Sidford industrial estate – Vision Group for Sidmouth
And the local press have been following some of the feedback over the past few weeks, as released by the District Council:
East Devon Local Plan: Focus on homes and jobs | Exmouth Journal
Call for small-scale developments in East Devon | Midweek Herald
Housing developments and jobs for town centres among priorities – Devon Live
Only one person under 26 has so far commented on Local Plan review – Devon Live
Small Devon village plans to tackle population explosion head on – Devon Live