Instead of listing ‘News’ and ‘Events’ separately we have combined them both within the calender which has a whole page for each item. However, a selection of news also appears on our recent news page
We are not only showcasing our events and news but also information on other areas of interest within, or to, the Sid Valley. We hope it will form a useful resource.
If you are looking for information on a particular subject please use the search box which can be found at the top right of all pages and also within the pop-out Contents panel at the left. (Click the word Contents to open and close the panel).
:- See our calendar
Selected items of interest.
Feb 10th Plastic pollution
Feb 12th SidEnergy Newsletter
April 5th In my Backyard food co-operative
April 10th Knowle
April 11th Beach Management Plan
April 13th New Bridge for the river Sid
April 16th Tree Week
April 24th Plastics Week and Sid Energy visit to waste-to-fuel plant
April 27th Safer roads campaign Sidbury
May 1st Sidford retirement development, rejected
May 3rd Council opposition to hospital bed loss
May 4th EDDC recycling
May 8th MP meets shopkeepers
May 9th Upcoming Beach Management Plan meeting
May 11th Proposed Splash Wall
May 17th Sidford Business Park and New leader for EDDC
May 28th Sidmouth consultation on residents’ parking
May 30th VGS AGM
1st June Sidmouth Town Council against the Sidford Business Park plans