Sidmouth has the largest number of listed buildings in East Devon
Around the world, there are concerns about the impact of climate change on cultural heritage.
A webinar taking place today looks at the issues:
G20: webinar cycle on the protection of cultural heritage kicks off – UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Also today, “conservation experts and lobby group launch a Green Paper to put Europe’s heritage at the heart of the EU’s greening policy”:
With the COP26 Summit happening in Glasgow later this year, an initiative aiming to unite Scotland’s cultural and green sectors was launched earlier today:
And in today’s media, reports from disparate parts of the world show the dramatic impact of climate change on cultural heritage:
These People Are Losing Their Gods to Climate Change
Fiji’s piece of history not spared from climate change impact – FBC News
Sidmouth is home to Devon’s largest number of listed buildings outside the county town:
Futures Forum: Sidmouth has the largest number of listed buildings in East Devon
Visit Sidmouth | Experience | Sidmouth’s Architecture
And many of these are at risk of damage from flooding – with most of the town centre lying at or below sea level:
The whole of the Sidmouth Esplanade frontage and a large part of the town centre behind lies within the
Conservation Area, which is protected by a substantial seawall. However, concerns about coastal erosion and
flooding, particularly in the context of sea level rise and climate change, have resulted in the development of new
proposals to protect property and assets located in the town and on the adjacent cliffs.
The 2017 Beach Management Plan report does reference heritage – but only really in passing:
Sidmouth & East Beach Management Plan | 2.7.8 Archaeology and cultural heritage
Indeed, there are fears for the town centre’s heritage, as considered in the VGS report submitted to the BMP steering group in February:
The Preferred Option, including a raised Splash Wall, does not guarantee protection of Sidmouth’s heritage; it will not protect the Esplanade and town centre from flooding – areas of Sidmouth which contain its largest number of heritage assets: “Historic environment as an asset, and giving it new life, has been one of the cornerstones of the economic and social revival of our towns and cities.” (Deloitte 2017) Heritage and the Economy | Historic England and
Analysis of the Sidmouth Beach Management Plan’s Aims & Objectives
Historic England offers a whole host of webinars on the issues:
Climate Friday: Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Webinar Series | Historic England
With a huge back catalogue of excellent talks:
Previous Webinar Recordings | Historic England
For example:
Climate change and the historic environment – a call to action!_4